Some law firms needlessly lose a significant amount of business when senior partners retire. Yet anticipating and preparing for those retirements with an effective client succession process can ensure that handovers go smoothly and clients stay with the firm when the relationship partner retires. This protects the firm’s finances and stability and has numerous other …
It has been 8 years since I started focusing on retirement and what it means for lawyers and their firms. I’d like to share with you some observations about the changes I’ve seen and the initiatives firms are undertaking in response to those changes. When I began, few lawyers or firms realized the importance of …
I’m excited to tell you that my new video series, “Got a Minute? Let’s Talk Retirement,” will launch this week! These short videos will answer questions I’m asked frequently by lawyers and law firms about retirement – including some that many of you sent me in response to my recent request for questions. I will …
Got a minute? I’d like to get your input for a new project I’m developing: a series of free, short videos about retirement that will be publicly available online. It will address questions that lawyers and other professionals have asked me over the last few years about preparing for, transitioning into, and improving retirement. It …
Notice my new look? I’ve updated my website and newsletter design to reflect that my practice now focuses primarily on retirement strategies for individuals and law firms. This work is a natural continuation of my professional development consulting, as many of my long-term and new clients are at the far end of their career and …
I have some very exciting news to share with you. I am thrilled to announce that my new companion e-course for Retirement by Design is now available to help you prepare for retirement and help your firm manage partner succession and retirement more effectively. Also, the National Legal Mentoring Conference is back after a long …
The Beatles told us that “Money can’t buy me love.” Good advice, but law firms are trying to buy love anyway, hoping that huge bonuses will keep the associates they need. The tactic isn’t working. In the last 12 months, associate compensation has risen 10%, yet attrition is over 14%. So, what can law firms …
I realized how much has changed about the way we view careers when a young woman I have been dealing with professionally told me she was leaving her firm to take a “mini-retirement” and move to Portugal for a while. She was feeling burned out after working hard through the pandemic and wanted to take …
Spring is here along with vaccines, and we are starting to lower our masks and re-enter the world. But even with these reasons for hope, we will be facing heightened uncertainty for the foreseeable future. The future is always uncertain, of course, but even the limited stability we knew 14 months ago has been upset …
Designing Your Retirement Daydreaming about the future People usually think of daydreaming as a waste of time, a lazy interlude between periods of “productive” work. This is especially true of professionals who revere rational thinking above all else. But taking a break from work and letting your mind wander freely for a while can benefit …