This article presents suggestions for evaluating your mentoring program in terms of both the firm’s program objectives and and the relationships of participants.
Women are advised to “lean in,” but that’s not enough. Leaders also need to lean in to support them. Changing the dominant culture requires leaders with vision, determination and courage who will “lean in” and use their power, influence and political capital to produce gender balance.
Mentoring may be an age-old process, but that doesn’t mean that everyone does it well. Most partners enjoy mentoring junior lawyers and fancy themselves good at it. They like to think they can have a positive influence on a younger lawyer’s career by giving advice, sharing insights about how they became successful, and telling stories …
Sponsorship programs important, but they require more of the firm and the program participants than mentoring programs. This article explains some of the points to consider before you embark on one.
Thinking about a sponsorship program for women? Here are the pros and cons.
The issue of authenticity is especially complicated for women leaders. This articles explains why that’s so and what women can do to be both authentic and effective.
This article explains why women need champions – or sponsors – as well as mentors, and it offers advice on how to find those sponsors.
The concepts of coaching, mentoring and sponsorship are explained, compared and contrasted.