Professional Development Roundtable for Global Law Firms
The next meeting of the Global PD Roundtable will be in Minneapolis on June 23-24. Anyone who is interested in joining the Roundtable and attending the meeting should contact me.
The next meeting of the Global PD Roundtable will be in Minneapolis on June 23-24. Anyone who is interested in joining the Roundtable and attending the meeting should contact me.
I’ll be in Seattle, where DLA Piper will host a Breakfast for Champions.
I am on the Advisory Board of Facing History and Ourselves and will be traveling with the Board to Poland on a study tour.
I will lead a discussion of “Beyond the New Lawyer: Mentoring at Later Career Stages,” at the National Legal Mentoring Consortium Conference in Columbus, Ohio.
The next meeting the Women Leaders Roundtable will be in San Francisco at 4:00 on April 29. Anyone interested in joining the Roundtable and attending the meeting should contact me.
The Law Without Walls ConPosium will be at the University of Miami April 12-13, and I’ll be there with my team to support our students.
I will be back in Seattle, presenting at the NALP Annual Education Conference on “Tailor-Made Mentoring: Two Law Firms’ Perspectives on Implementing, Refocusing and Sustaining Formal Programs.” Co-panelists will be Don Smith from Fried, Frank and Kari Jensen Thomas and David Axtell from Stinson Leonard Street.
Our next Breakfast for Champions will be at the Columbia Tower Club in Seattle, sponsored by DLA Piper.
In connection with my new book on sponsorship, law firms and groups are holding “Breakfast for Champions,” events to celebrate the men who sponsor women and to encourage more men to follow their lead. The first Breakfast for Champions event will be hosted by the Chicago Coalition of Women’s Initiatives in Law on Thursday, February 6, from 8:00-9:30 am, at Reed Smith.
The National Association of Bar Executives has invited me back to expand on my 2013 presentation, “Connecting Core Competencies: New Graduates and the Bar.” At their 2014 mid-year meeting in Chicago, February 4-6, 2014, I will continue the conversation about the changing role of bar associations in preparing new lawyers for practice.
The kickoff session for next year’s Law Without Walls will take place at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, on January 18-19, 2014, and I will be there! I will be an Entrepreneur Mentor for a student team in the 2014 course.
I will participate in an ABA webinar on “Leaning Into Leadership” at 1:00 ET. This is a repeat of a presentation given at the ABA Tax Section’s Fall Meeting in September 2013.
The 2013 Professional Development Institute will be in Washington, DC, December 12-13. On the 13th, I will be presenting on “Driving Innovative Learning in the Law Firm: Lessons from Law Without Walls.” Law Without Walls is a revolutionary, award-winning law school course involving students from 25 law and business schools in countries throughout the world.
“Running Mentoring Programs Effectively” will be the topic of my presentation to the Association of Legal Administrators, Capital Chapter, in Washington, DC on December 11.
Following the COLPM Futures Conference, I’ll fly to Boston for the International Bar Association’s Annual Conference, October 6-11. I will be speaking on Tuesday, October 8, on “Competencies for a Global Practice.” To see the IBA Annual Conference program, click here.
Early October will find me in Chicago for the College of Law Practice Management’s Futures Conference, October 4-5. The Futures Conference will feature a TED-like format with brief, provocative presentations by thought leaders and innovators followed by highly interactive break-out sessions where participants will react, analyze and make recommendations for action. I will facilitate one of the break-out groups.