July/August 2024 Law firms that call me to discuss partner retirement and succession processes almost always ask about “best practices.” Because there has not been much interest or activity regarding partner retirement until recently, there are no clear answers. I tell them about various firm policies and practices that I consider excellent, and also suggest …
Have you noticed that retirement has become a popular topic of books, articles, webinars, and other media? The attention is warranted – and urgent- because more people are reaching what we think of as “retirement age” than ever before in history: more than 4.1 million Americans each year, or more than 11,200 people every day, …
In the last few weeks we have witnessed this question play out on the national stage. The events that led to President Biden’s decision not to seek re-election was a lesson for law firm partners of any age about the need to accept and plan for retirement. I have written and spoken frequently about how …
It has been 8 years since I started focusing on retirement and what it means for lawyers and their firms. I’d like to share with you some observations about the changes I’ve seen and the initiatives firms are undertaking in response to those changes. When I began, few lawyers or firms realized the importance of …
Whenever you write a book, it’s thrilling and gratifying to receive great reviews from other authors and experts. And I have been very fortunate indeed to receive strong endorsements for Retirement by Design from several of the top thought leaders in the field. I hope you find the book as useful and enjoyable as they …
What pops up in your mind when you hear the word “retirement”? We asked the audience at last week’s book launch for Retirement by Design, which was graciously hosted in San Francisco by the fantastic global design firm IDEO. The words that came up ranged from “excitement” and “eagerness” to “dying.” This last word is …
What a great start to 2020! I could not be happier. Earlier this month, I held my first grandchild, a perfect little boy who is a source of enormous joy to his parents and grandparents. And while not quite as thrilling or monumental, my new book, Retirement by Design, will be published next week. As …
As we enter a new year and a new decade, I want to thank all of you, my subscribers, for the interest, ideas, feedback and support you have given me over the years. We have worked and talked together extensively about mentoring, sponsorship and other aspects of talent development, but a while ago, many of …
Before you take off for the holidays, I want to let you know that from now until January 3rd, Attorney at Work is offering 20% off the price of all the books they publish, including both the paper and digital versions of Sponsoring Women: What Men Need to Know. You can view and order the …
We need to rethink retirement. The common concept of retirement is loaded with negative implications. It suggests withdrawal from work and meaningful activity, and evokes images of doddering old people whose lives are marked by irrelevance, boredom or senility. It’s no wonder lawyers dread the prospect of retirement. Senior partners have spent decades as leaders, …