News & Events

Preparing for Lift Off: Starting Your Personal Journey to Post-Practice Life

I was delighted to participate in a program on “Preparing for Lift Off: Starting Your Personal Journey to Post-Practice Life,” sponsored by the Senior Lawyers Division of the ABA, National Association of Women Lawyers (NAWL), and others. We had a great discussion about many aspects of contemplating, planning, transitioning and living in retirement. You can watch the program here.

Let’s Coach All the Lawyers

Jessica Natkin and Jessica Hernandez gave me the honor of writing the Foreword to their new book, Let’s Coach All the Lawyers, published by NALP. Both authors are legal talent development experts and coaches, and the book explains everyday coaching techniques that can be used by legal talent professionals, human resource professionals, partners, and mentors to enhance lawyers’ professional and career development.

Realigning Your Values and Considering Retirement

I enjoyed being a guest on Steve Fretzin’s “Be That Lawyer” podcast. We discussed many subjects, including realigning your values and your work, developing and retaining talent, challenges lawyers face when considering and thinking about retirement, and designing your future by choice, not by default. You can listen to the podcast here.

Cornell Law School Alumni Association

I did a program with Aileen Leventon and Don Frederico on “Facing the Challenges of Retirement Beyond Financial Planning,” for the Cornell Law School Alumni Association. We had a great conversation about new ways to think about, plan for and enjoy retirement.  You can listen to it to here.

Zestful Aging podcast

For her Zestful Aging podcast series, Nicole Christina and I spoke about a host of issues related to retirement. The podcast will be posted on November 27, so calendar the date and tune in to listen.

What Happens When Your Outside Counsel Retires?

In this event sponsored by the ACC, I’ll be facilitating a discussion with in-house counsel about the dynamics surrounding the retirement of outside counsel.

Special Credibility Episodes of Thought Leader Life

I had fun being a special guest and discussing my retirement practice on Mitchell Levy’s show, “Special Credibility Episodes of Thought Leader Life”.
Watch and listen here to learn more:

Mentoring in the Virtual World and Beyond

On February 23, I’ll be doing a webinar for the Minnesota State Bar Association Civil Litigation Section on “Mentoring in the Virtual World and Beyond.”

Stanford Center on Longevity Recommends Retirement By Design

The Stanford Center on Longevity designated Retirement By Design as “Recommended Reading,” calling it “Part philosophy, part career guide, and part trusted friend who asks hard questions…” You can read the review here.

Planning for Retirement – Yes, it should be a plan

I will discuss “Planning for Retirement – Yes, it should be a plan,” during the week-long virtual Innovation and Legaltech Week 2021 Conference, February 8-12, 2021. This Australia-based global conference, which is entirely free and open to all, will offer a comprehensive look at how the legal industry is changing and how its continuous improvement can be sustained. Part of the conference will be live and part, including my session (in conversation with Terri Mottershead), will be recorded and available on demand beginning February 1. More information about the conference, a list of all the conference programs, and the registration page are available here.

Modernizing Mentoring

On January 13, 2021, I had the privilege of speaking to several American Inns of Court in Pennsylvania and Colorado about Modernizing Mentoring: Maintaining Relationships and Meeting Change with Virtual Opportunities.”

A Wall Street Journal Best Book of 2020!

I am deeply honored and excited that the Wall Street Journal has selected Retirement by Design as one of the best books on retirement for 2020!

Book Review: Retirement by Design

Ronnie Fox, a distinguished employment and partnership lawyer, recently published an important book on lawyer retirement and succession in the UK, Partner Retirement in Law Firms (Globe Law and Business Ltd, 2020). I feel honored that he wrote a highly favorable review of my book, Retirement by Design, in the July 2020 issue of Modern Legal Practice.

National Association of Women Lawyers Interview

On May 5, 2020, Lisa Horowitz will interview me for National Association of Women Lawyers about my book, Retirement by Design. Learn more and register here.

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