Podcasts, Webinars, Videos and Interviews

The Path Forward: Framing a Roadmap for Retirement

This engaging program discussed how to transition from law practice to an enriching post practice life. I spoke, together with Lisa Horowitz and Karen Morris. Sponsored by the ABA-SLD Women of Excellence Committee. Watch it here. (ABA membership may be required)

How to Transition from Law: Retirement Insights and Strategies

Yasmin Nguyen and Kathleen Mundy, hosts of The Real Retirement Show, invited me to join them in a conversation about lawyers, law firms and retirement. You can watch that conversation here. This is the program description:

Episode 12: How to Transition from Law: Retirement Insights and Strategies

In this episode of the Real Retirement Show, hosts Yasmin and Kathleen discuss the unique challenges faced by lawyers when retiring. Joined by special guest Ida Abbott, a renowned retirement strategist, the conversation delves into the emotional and institutional hurdles of transitioning from a legal career to retirement. Ida shares her personal journey, highlights the importance of self-awareness and empathy, and emphasizes the need for early planning and open communication. Discover actionable advice and real-life stories for a smooth transition into retirement.

00:00 Understanding Lawyers’ Reluctance to Retire

00:45 Introduction to The Real Retirement Show

01:30 Meet Ida Abbott: Retirement Strategist

02:39 Ida’s Personal and Career Journey

06:47 Challenges Faced by Retiring Lawyers

07:36 Institutional Challenges in Law Firms

09:19 The Importance of Normalizing Retirement

10:50 Overcoming Personal and Professional Barriers

16:23 Success Stories and Client Breakthroughs

24:51 The Role of Design Thinking in Retirement Planning

32:43 Final Thoughts and Advice for Retirees

Retirement Roadmap: Insights for In-House Counsel Preparing to Take Flight

I was honored to speak in this program, hosted by Seyfarth and moderated by Lisa Damon. Together with Jackie Belcastro and Bill Lipsman, I offered essential insights every in-house counsel should grasp before retiring to ensure a seamless transition and a rewarding post-retirement journey. This program was sponsored by the Association of Corporate Counsel and can be viewed here.  (ACC membership required)

Aging Solo: Empowering Women for a Fulfilling Future

August 22, 2024, Nancy Combs, Judith Droz Keyes and I discussed one of the fastest growing demographic groups in the US: women over 50 who are aging solo. Sponsored by the National Association of Women Lawyers (NAWL) Women Revolutionizing Retirement Affinity Group. You can watch the program here, but will need a password, which I will be happy to send you. Contact me.

Succession Planning

I spoke about succession planning with Alay Yajnik on his podcast, Lawyer Business Advantage. We discussed what retirement means in 2022, how to hand over your firm with confidence, and finding purpose and meaning in retirement. You can listen on Alay’s website or on LinkedIn.

Retirement by Design, Not Default

I presented in a webinar on “Attorney Retirement and Cognitive Decline” sponsored by the West Virginia Judicial & Lawyer Assistance Program. You can watch this important program on YouTube and also on the West Virginia State Bar website. My session, on “Retirement by Design, Not Default,” starts around minute 1:02. The first presenter, Dr. Timothy Saar, spoke about The Neuropsychology of Cognitive Decline,” and the third, Shari Pearlman, spoke about “Preparing for Retirement & Addressing Cognitive Decline.”

Realigning Your Values and Considering Your Retirement

I enjoyed being a guest on Steve Fretzin’s “Be That Lawyer” podcast. We discussed many subjects, including realigning your values and your work, developing and retaining talent, challenges lawyers face when considering and thinking about retirement, and designing your future by choice, not by default. You can listen to the podcast here.



Passing the Baton: Preparing Your Firm for Succession

This year’s Managing Partner Forum Fall Symposium was about “Passing the Baton: Preparing Your Firm for Succession.” I co-hosted and spoke at this 4-hour virtual conference, which was directed to managing partners and leaders of small and midsize law firms. The recorded program, survey results, handout materials, plus numerous other benefits (including a copy of Retirement by Design), are available for a fee from Managing Partner Forum.


Psychological Aspects of Retirement

I was a panelist in this webinar, hosted by the International Bar Association. The moderators and other panelists were from the UK, Australia and Argentina, and the audience was global as well. We discussed the reasons why lawyers have difficulty dealing with retirement, how to help lawyers adapt to retirement, the impact of ageism on lawyers, and other important subjects. You can watch the webinar here.

Retirement Revolution

I recently spoke with Cheryl Dellecese about how retirement today is vastly different from what is was in the past. The interview covers many of the key changes, including why the term “retirement” isn’t really useful any more. It will appear in various Smith College publications; here is one of the places you can read it.

Counsel to Counsel Podcast

Steve Seckler, who hosts Counsel to Counsel, interviews me in this podcast about my book Retirement by Design, and the practical considerations for lawyers who are contemplating or facing retirement. You can listen to the podcast here.

Exit Strategies: Embracing Career Transitions

On March 16, 2021, Kit Chaskin and I discussed  career transitions, including job changes and retirement, in a program for the Northwestern Law School Alumni Association. You can view and listen to the webinar here.

Is Now the Right Time to Retire?

Wendy Green interviewed me on Hey Boomer! about Retirement by Design and the many considerations that go into timing and planning your retirement. You can watch the interview here.

NAWL Book Club Interview

Lisa Horowitz interviewed me about Retirement by Design for the National Association of Women Lawyers Book Club on May 5, 2010. You can listen to the interview here.

Book Review – Retirement by Design

Delighted to see this review of Retirement by Design written by a blogger in the UK who has been retired for several years and remarks, “Had I had a guide like this in 2010, maybe I would have done a few things differently!” He also states: “This is one of the most comprehensive books covering all aspects of retirement that I have read. Unlike many, it does not just focus on the financial side. It encourages you to look at all the myriad aspects of retirement, social, financial, practical and all shades in between.” Read the full review here.

The People Part of Change and Innovation – Ida Abbott on Succession Planning, Reverse Mentoring and a Whole Lot More!

  • I was honored to be featured in this podcast for The Legalpreneurs Sandbox Podcast Series sponsored by the Centre for Legal Innovation (Australia, New Zealand and Asia-Pacific) at The College of Law in Australia. The podcast was hosted by the Centre’s Executive Director Terri Mottershead. Our conversation examines the impact of the exodus of Baby Boomer lawyers from legal practice and the role that mentoring should/can/will play in the consequent “changing of the guard.” You can see the various topics we cover on their website and listen to the podcast there or here.

Life after Sixty: SPICE It Up

This webinar, hosted by the Smith College Alumni Association, helps viewers determine what they will do with the many potential years ahead. It provides a framework for envisioning, designing and moving toward a future doing what you want and enjoy, and living in ways that will engage you, keep you stimulated and give your life purpose. You can view the webinar here.

Succession Planning: Transition Strategies for Law Firm Leaders, Clients and Exiting Lawyers

In this podcast for The Robert Half Legal Report, host Charles Volkert, senior district president of Robert Half Legal, and I discuss critical components of succession planning, including strategies to help senior-level lawyers transfer knowledge and client relationships to their successors, and transition smoothly into retirement or their next career post. You can download and/or listen to the podcast here.

Preparing Your Law Firm for the Future

This was the first in a 3-part webcast series hosted by Natalie Runyon, Director & Head of Talent Platform at Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute. Our session looked at succession planning from the standpoints of the firm, the client and the retiring partner. You can learn about our session and the others in this series here, and watch my session here.

NLMC Presentation on Mentoring for Diversity

Video recordings of the presentations from the 2018 National Legal Mentoring Consortium, including my presentation on Mentoring to Support Diversity and Inclusiveness with Kori Carew and Mark Palmer, are available to the public. You can watch our presentation here.

Preparing your law firm for the future: Webcast

I had the privilege of presenting the first webcast in a 3-part series on “Preparing your law firm for the future: Developing the next generation of rainmakers.” I presented the program with Natalie Runyon, Director & Head of Talent Platform at Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute, which is hosting the series. Our session looked at succession planning from the standpoints of the firm, the client and the retiring partner. You can listen and watch here.

We Can All Use A Champion: Audio Interview

ALPS, a professional liability insurance provider, interviewed me about why it is so important for lawyers to find and to be champions. The discussion, entitled “We Can All Use a Champion,” ranges from the need for more sponsorship of women in law firms to examining how solo attorneys can benefit from mentorship. You can listen to the podcast on the ALPS blog site, InBrief, on Podbean or on YouTube.

Transforming Women’s Leadership: Interview

Transforming Women’s Leadership, an initiative of Thomson Reuters Legal and Executive Institute, interviewed me about how Breakfasts for Champions, based on my book, Sponsoring Women: What Men Need to Know, help create a safe place for men and women to discuss gender imbalance in the legal profession. You can read the interview here.

Advancing Women in the Law – An Interview on the Value of Sponsorship

In an interview with Heidi Alexander about my book, Sponsoring Women, I explain the importance and dynamics of mentorship and sponsorship, and provide advice on how to build and utilize those relationships for career success. Heidi is with the Massachusetts Law Office Management Assistance Program, which hosted the interview. You can listen to the interview here. December 2014

Discover Your Talent-Do What You Love: Podcast on Sponsorship

Don Hutcheson produces a podcast series entitled “Discover Your Talent–Do What You Love,” which features stories about how people in various fields discovered their true talents and used them to enjoy successful, happy lives. The series also includes interviews with experts who offer insights and advice to help others do the same. Don interviewed me about why women need more than mentors to get ahead. You can listen to the interview, “More Than Just a Mentor, Women Need a Champion,” at ‪http://goo.gl/FdbcVo or on itunes here.

CPA Trendlines

CPA Trendlines has been publishing excerpts from my book, Sponsoring Women: What Men Need to Know. Women’s career advancement and sponsorship are of concern to accounting and other professionals, not just lawyers. If you have friends and business contacts in accounting, send them the link to CPA Trendlines and let them know.